Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hello BV4H County Youth Council,

I would like to propose an experiment...a 4-H Blog.  Here are my thoughts, which I know each one of you will add to and improve.

1)  Each County Youth Council member selects a leadership project.  It could be providing leadership for an annual event like the 4-H Basketball Tournament.  Or you could start a totally new project like raising funds for improvements at the fair grounds.

2)  Each one of us will commit to using this Blog as our record keeping tool.  So you can write about the logistics you have completed for your leadership project, about barriers you are encountering, about your goals for the project or what you are learning through the process.  We could also include photos of project progress and outcomes.  The blog can be located at bv4hcyc.blogger.com

3)  We will all have access to view and comment on each others blogs.  We can be a great team providing ideas or suggestions for one another.

4)  This summer we could compile our work and submit it as a group leadership project at the Buena Vista County Fair.

5)  My long-term goal is to possibly introduce the use of blogs as an alternative to the traditional 4-H Record Books. I may think differently after learning more, but right now I am thinking each club could have a blog.  As 4-H members work on projects, they could share their progress.  Leaders could add comments about next steps or connect the to other club/community resources to enhance their project.  If blogs were used through the steps of the project it would be a helpful tool for goal cards. Then rather than reworking project goals, 4-Hers could submit their blog along with their goal card and summery as their record book.

Let's see how we can use this platform to best serve the needs of our county's 4-H members!